Lesson - 12 : Yogi Path of Attainment
The student who has carefully acquainted himself with the fundamental principles
of the Yogi Philosophy, as set forth in these lessons, will readily see that
anyone who grasps and accepts these teachings, and makes them a part of his
everyday life, will naturally live a very different life from one to whom this
present earth-life is all, and who believes that death extinguishes
individuality, and that there is no future life or lives. It will also lead one
to live his life rather differently from the person who believes that we are but
creatures of a rather capricious Providence, having but little responsibility of
our own, and that our "salvation" depends upon a perfunctory "belief" in certain
teachings, and a set form of attendance at certain forms of religious worship.
Remember, now, please, that the Yogi Philosophy has no fault to find with any
form of religion—it teaches that all forms of religions are good, and each has
its particular place to fill—each fills the need of humanity in some of its
stages. It believes that no matter what form of worship is followed—no matter
what conception of Deity is held—that every man really worships the One Great
Intelligence which we know under many names, and that the varying forms of such
worship are immaterial, the motive behind each being the real test to be
But the Yogi Philosophy, and in fact, the teachings of all occultists, to
whatever race they may belong, or what particular creed may be favored by them,
hold that man is a responsible being, that he really makes his own conditions,
and bestows his own rewards and punishments, as a natural consequence of his
acts. It also teaches that man cannot escape his own good, and that though he
may slip backward a hundred times, still will he always make some little
progress, and in the end will conquer his material nature, and then move
steadily forward to the great goal. It teaches that we are all God's children,
no matter what form of worship we may favor—that there are none of God's
children destined to be utterly cut off or damned. It teaches that we are
punished by our sins instead of for them, and that the law of cause and effect
brings its inevitable result. It emphasizes the teachings that "as we sow so
shall we reap," and shows just how and why we reap what we have sown. It shows
how our lower desires and passions will weigh us down, and surround us with
environments that will cause us to outlive them, and make us so thoroughly sick
and tired of them that the soul will, eventually, recoil in horror from its past
life of material grossness, and in so doing will receive an impetus in the right
direction. It shows us that we have the Spirit always with us, anxious and
willing to give us help and guidance, and that, 'through the Spirit, we are
always in close connection with the source of all life and power.
Men are of varying temperaments, and the course that will best suit one will not
be adapted to the requirements of another. One will seek progress and
development in one direction, and another in a different way, and a third by a
still different course. The Yogi Philosophy teaches that the way that seems to
appeal the most to a man's general temperament and dis-position is the one best
adapted to his use at the present time. They divide the Path of Attainment into
three paths leading up to the great main road. They call these three paths, (I)
Raja Yoga ; (2) Karma Yoga ; (3) Gnani Yoga; each of these forms of Yoga being a
path leading to the Great Road, and each being traveled by those who may prefer
it—but all lead to the same place. In this lesson we will give a brief
description of each of the three paths, which together are known to the Yogis as
"The Threefold Path."
Some of the teachers treat what is known as "Bhakti Yoga" as if it were a
separate path, but we prefer thinking of it as being an incident of each of the
three paths, as "Bhakti Yoga" is really what we might call the "religious" form
of Yoga, teaching the love and worship of God, according as he appears to us
through the colored glasses of our own particular creed. We fail to see how one
may follow any of the several Yoga paths without being filled with love and
reverence for the great Centre of all Life—the Absolute—God—by whatever name we
know it. The term "Bhakti Yoga" really means the "way of devotion."
Let us trust that all our students, no matter which of the three paths they may
elect to follow, will carry with them the devotion inculcated in the "Bhakti
Yoga" of the particular religious body with which they are affiliated, and not
feel that the "Threefold Path" calls for their renouncing that which has been
dear to them from childhood. On the contrary, we think that a careful study of
the Yogi Philosophy will awaken a new interest in religion, and cause many to
under-stand much that they formerly but blindly "believed," and will cause them
to develop a deeper religious spirit, rather than a lesser one.
"Raja Yoga" is devoted to the development of the latent powers in Man—the
gaining of the control of the mental faculties by the Will—the attainment of the
mastery of the lower self—the development of the mind to the end that the soul
may be aided in its unfold-ment. It teaches as its first step the care and
control of the body, as taught in "Hatha Yoga," holding that the body should be
rendered an efficient instrument, and under good control, before the best
results may be attained along mental and psychic lines. Much that the Western
World has been attracted to in late years under the name of "Mental Science" and
similar terms, really comes under the head of "Raja Yoga." This form of Yoga
recognizes the wonderful power of the trained mind and will, and the marvelous
results that may be gained by the training of the same, and its application by
concentration, and intelligent direction. It teaches that not only may the mind
be directed out-ward, influencing outside objects and things, but that it may
also be turned inward, and concentrated upon the particular subject before us,
to the end that much hidden knowledge may be unfolded and uncovered. Many of the
great inventors are really practicing "Raja Yoga" unconsciously, in this inward
application of it, while many leaders in the world of affairs are making use of
its outward, concentrated application in their management of affairs.
But the follower of the "Raja Yoga" path is not content alone with the
attainment of powers for either of above uses. He seeks still greater heights,
and man-ages by the same, or similar processes, to turn the searchlight of
concentrated mind into his own nature, thus bringing to light many hidden
secrets of the soul. Much of the Yogi Philosophy has really been brought to
light in this way. The practice of "Raja Yoga" is eminently practical, and is in
the nature of the study and practice of chemistry—it proves itself as the
student takes each step. It does not deal in vague theories, but teaches
experiments and facts, from first to last. We hope to be able to give to our
students, in the near future, a practical work on the subject of "Hatha Yoga,"
for which work there seems to be a great need in the Western world, which seems
to be waiting to be told "how to do those things which have been stated to be
possible by numerous writers who had grasped the theory but had not acquainted
themselves with the practice accompanying the theory.
"Karma Yoga" is the "Yoga" of Work. It is the path followed by those who delight
in their work—who take a keen interest in "doing things" with head or hand—those
who believe in work "for work's sake." "Karma" is the Sanscrit word applied to
the "Law of Spiritual Cause and Effect," of which we have spoken in a preceding
lesson. "Karma Yoga" teaches how one may go through life working—and taking an
interest in action—without being influenced by sel-fish consideration, which
might create a fresh chain of cause and effect which would bind him to objects
and things, and thus retard his spiritual progress. It teaches "work for work's
sake" rather than from a de-sire for results. Strange as this may seem to many
of our Western readers, it is a fact that many of the men of the Western world
who have accomplished much, have really been possessed of this idea, without
realizing it and have really worked for the joy of the action and creative
effort, and having really cared but little for the fruit of their labors. Some
of them say that they "have worked because they could not help it," rather than
from the mere desire for material gain. The follower of "Karma Yoga," seems to
himself, at times, as if he were not the real worker, but that his mind and body
were doing the work, and he,—himself-were standing off and watching himself work
or act. There are lower and higher phases of "Karma Yoga" which cannot be
explained here, as each branch of Yoga is a great subject in itself,
"Gnani Yoga" is the "Yoga" of Wisdom. It is fol-lowed by those of a scientific,
intellectual type, who are desirous of reasoning out, proving, experimenting,
and classifying the occult knowledge. It is the path of the scholar. Its
follower is strongly attracted toward metaphysics. Examples of the idea of "Gnani
Yogi"—apparently widely differing examples—are to be seen in the great
philosophers of ancient and modern times, and in the other extreme, those who
have a strong tendency toward metaphysical teachings. As a matter of fact,
nearly all students of the Yogi Philosophy, are more or less attracted to "Gnani
Yoga", even though they be said to be following one of the other of the three
paths. These lessons, for instance, as a part of the "Gnani Yoga" work, although
they are combined with other forms of Yoga. Many Yogis combine in themselves the
attributes of the followers of several- forms of Yoga, although their natural
tendencies cause them to favor one of the paths more than the others.
Of the three forms of Yoga, the second, or "Karma Yoga" is perhaps the easiest
one to follow, for the student. It requires less study, and less practice—less
of the research of "Gnani Yoga", and less of the training of "Raja Yoga." The
Karma Yogi simply tries to lead a good life, doing his work to the best of his
ability, without being carried away with the hope of reward—he grows into a
realization of the truth regarding his nature, and is content to gradually
unfold, like a rose, from life to life, until he reaches a high stage of
attainment. He does not long for unusual powers, and consequently does not
endeavor to develop them. He does not long for the solution of the great
problems of nature and life, but s content to live on, one day at a time,
knowing and trusting that all will be well with him—and it will. Many of the
"New Thought" people, of America, are really Karma Yogis. The Raja Yogi, on the
contrary, feels a desire to develop his latent powers and to make researches
into his own mind. He wishes to manifest hidden powers and faculties, and feels
a keen longing to experiment along these lines. He is intensely interested in
psychology and "physic phenomena", and all occult phenomena and teachings along
similar lines. He is able to accomplish much by determined effort, and often
manifests wonderful results by means of the concentrated will and mind. The
Gnani Yogi's chief pleasure consists in meta-physical reasoning, or subtle
intellectual research. He is the philosopher; scholar; preacher; teacher;
student; and often goes to extreme lengths in following his favorite line of
work, losing sight of the other sides of the subject.
The man best calculated to make general advancement along occult lines, is the
one who avoids running to extremes in any one of the branches of the subject,
but who, while in the main following his own inclinations toward certain forms
of "Yoga", still keeps up a general acquaintance with the several phases of the
great philosophy. In the end, man must develop on all his many sides, and why
not keep in touch with all sides while we journey along. By following this
course we avoid one-sidedness; fanaticism ; narrowness ; short-sightedness, and
Yogi students may be divided into three general classes : (r) Those who have
made considerable progress along the same lines, in past incarnations, and
awaken to consciousness in the present life with the strongest tendencies toward
occultism and similar subjects. These people learn rapidly, and are conscious of
the fact that they are but re-learning some lesson learned in the past. They
grasp occult truths intuitively, and find in such studies food for the hunger of
the soul. These souls are, of course, in various stages of development. Some
have but an elementary acquaintance with the subject, their knowledge in the
past incarnation having been but slight; others have progressed further, and are
able to go much further in their present work than those who are less developed
; still others are quite highly developed, and lack but little of having reached
the "conscious" stage of incarnation, that is, the state of being able to awaken
to a conscious knowledge of past lives. The last mentioned sub-class are apt to
be regarded as "queer" by their associates, particularly in early life-they
appear "old and "strange" to their companions. They feel as if they were
strangers in a strange land, but sooner or later are sure to be brought into
contact with others, or made acquainted with teachings, which will enable them
to take up their studies again.
(2) Those who awaken to a conscious knowledge, to a greater or lesser degree; of
their past lives, and what they have learned there. Such people are
comparatively rare, and yet there are far more of them than is generally
supposed, for these people are not ant to bestow their confidence upon chance
acquaintances, and generally regard their knowledge and memory of the past as
something sacred. These people go through the world, sowing a little seed here,
and a little there, which seed falling on fertile ground bears fruit in the
future incarnations of those who receive them.
(3) Those who have heard some occult truths in past incarnations—some words of
wisdom, knowledge or advice dropped by some of those who have advanced further
along the path. In their mental soil if rich, they let these seed-thoughts sink
deep into them, and in the next life the plant appears. These people are
possessed of an unrest, which makes them dissatisfied with the current
explanations of things, and which causes them to search here and there for the
truth which they intuitively know is to be found somewhere. They are often led
to run after false prophets, and from one teacher to another, gaining a little
truth here, having an error corrected there. Sooner or later they find an
anchorage, and in their rest they lay up stores of knowledge which (after being
digested in the period of soul-rest in the Astral World) will be of great value
to them in their next incarnation.
It will be readily recognized that it is practically impossible to give detailed
directions suited for the varying needs of these different students. All that
can be done (outside of personal instruction from some competent teacher) is to
give words of general advice and encouragement. But do not let this discourage
you. Remember this—it is a great occult truth—when the student is ready the
teacher appears—the way will be opened to you step by step, and as each new
spiritual need comes into existence, the means to satisfy it will be on the way.
It may come from without—it may come from within—but come it will. Do not let
discouragement creep over you because you seem to be surrounded by the most
unfavorable environments, with no one near to whom you can talk of these great
truths that are unfolding before your mental vision. This isolation is probably
just what you need in order to make you self-reliant and to cure you of that
de-sire to lean upon some other soul. We have these lessons to learn—and many
others—and the way that seems hardest for us to travel is very often the one
laid out for us, in order that we may learn the needed lesson well and "for
It follows that one who has grasped the fundamental ideas of this philosophy,
will begin to find Fear dropping from him—for when he realizes just what he is,
how can he fear? There being nothing that is able to really hurt him, why should
he fear? Worry, of course, follows after Fear, and when Fear goes, many other
minor mental faults follow after it. Envy, Jealousy and Hate—Malice,
Uncharitableness and Condemnation—cannot exist in the mind of one who
"understands". Faith and Trust in the Spirit, and that from which the Spirit
comes, must be manifest to the awakened soul. Such a one naturally recognizes
the Spirit's guidance, and unhesitatingly follows it, with fear—without doubt.
Such a one cannot help being Kind—to him the outside world of people seem to
be-as little children (many of them like babes unborn) and he deals with them
charitably, not condemning them in his heart, for he knows them for what they
are. Such a one performs the work which is set before him, knowing that such
work, be it humble or exalted, has been brought to him by his own acts and
desires, or his needs—and that it is all right in any event, and is but the
stepping-stone to greater things. Such a one does not fear Life—does not fear
Death—both seem as but differing, manifestations of the same thing—one as good
as the other.
The student who expects to make progress, must make his philosophy a part of his
every day life. He must carry it around with him always. This does not mean that
he should thrust his views and opinions upon others—in fact, that is expressly
contrary to occult teachings, for no one has the right to force opinions upon
others, and it is contrary to natural growth and freedom of the individual soul.
But the student should be able to carry with him an abiding sense of the reality
and truth of his philosophy. He need not be afraid to take it with him anywhere,
for it fits into all phases of life. If one cannot take it with him to work,
something is wrong with either the philosophy or the work, or the individual.
And it will help us to work better—to do more earnest work—for we know that the
work is necessary for the development of some part of us—otherwise it would not
be set before us—and no matter how disagreeable the task, we may be able to sing
with joy when we realize just what we are and what great things are before us.
The slave chained to the galley if he have peace in his soul and the knowledge
in his mind—is far less to be pitied than the king on his throne who lacks these
things. We must not shirk our tasks, not run away from our destiny—for we cannot
really get rid of them except by performing them. And these very disagreeable
things are really strengthening our character, if we are learning our lesson
aright. And then, remember "even these things shall' pass away."
One of the greatest hindrances to the progress of the student into the higher
stages of occultism, particularly the phenomenal phases, is the lack of
self-control. When one wishes to be placed in possession of power, which if
carelessly used, or misused, may result in the hurt of oneself or others, it is
the greatest importance that such a one should have attained the mastery of
self—the control of the emotional side of his nature. Imagine a man possessed of
high occult powers, losing his temper and flying into a rage, sending forth
vibrations of Hate and Anger intensified by the increased force of his developed
powers. Such exhibitions, in a man who has attained occult powers would be very
harmful to him, as they would, perhaps, be manifested upon a plane where such
things have an exaggerated effect. A man whose investigations lead him on to the
Astral Plane, should beware of such a loss of self-control, as a failing of this
kind might be fatal to him. But, so nicely is the world of the higher forces
balanced, that a man of violent temper, or one who lacks self-control can make
but little progress in occult practices—this being a needed check. So one of the
first things to be accomplished by the student who wishes to advance, is the
mastery of his emotional nature, and the acquire-ment of self-control.
A certain amount of courage of the higher sort is also needed, for one
experiences some strange sights and happenings on the astral plane, and those
who wish to travel there must have learned to master fear. One also needs
calmness and poise. When we re-member that worry and kindred emotions cause
vibrations around us, it may readily be seen that such conditions of mind are
not conducive to psychical research—in fact the best results cannot be obtained
when these things are present.
The occulist who wishes to attain great powers must first purge himself of
selfish grasping for these things for the gratification of his own base ends,
for the pursuit of occult powers with this desire, will only pain and
disappoint, and the one who attempts to prostitute psychic power for base ends,
will bring upon himself a whirlwind of undesirable results. Such forces when
misused, react as a boomerang upon the sender. The true occultist is filled with
love and brotherly feeling for his fellow men, and endeavors to aid them instead
of to beat them down in their progress.
Of all the numerous books written for the purpose of throwing light on the path
of the student of occult-ism, we know of none better fitted for the purpose than
that wonderful little book called "Light on the Path", written down by "M. C.",
at the instigation of some intelligences far above the ordinary. It is veiled in
the poetic style common to the Orientals, and at first glance may seem
paradoxical. But it is full of the choicest bits of occult wisdom, for those who
are able to read it. It must be read "between the lines", and it has a
peculiarity that will become apparent to any one who may read it carefully. That
is, it will give you as much truth as you are able to grasp to-day; and tomorrow
when you pick it up it will give you more, from the same lines. Look at it a
year from now, and new truths will burst upon you —and so on, and on. It
contains statements of truth so wonderfully stated-and yet half-concealed—that
as you advance in spiritual discernment—and are ready for greater truths each
day—you will find that in this book veil after veil will be lifted from before
the truth, until you are fairly dazzled. It is also remarkable as a book which
will give consolation to those in trouble or sorrow. Its words (even though they
be but half-understood) will ring in the ears of its readers, and like a
beautiful melody will soothe and comfort and rest those who hear it. We advise
all of our students to read this little book often, and with care. They will
find that it will describe various spiritual experiences through which they will
pass, and will prepare them for the next stage. Many of our students have asked
us to write a little book, in the way of an elementary explanation of "Light on
the Path"—perhaps the Spirit may lead us to do so at some time in the
future—perhaps not.
It is not without a feeling of something like sadness that we write these
concluding lines. When we wrote our First Lesson, we bade our students be seated
for a course of talks—plain and simple—upon a great subject. Our aim was to
present these great truths in a plain, practical simple manner, so that many
would take an interest in them, and be led toward higher presentations of the
truth. We have felt that love and encouragement which is so necessary for a
teacher, and have been assured of the sympathy of the Class from the first. But,
on looking over our work it seems that we have said so little—have left unsaid
so much—and yet we have done the best we could, considering the small space at
our disposal, and the immense field to be covered. We feel that we have really
only begun, and yet it is now time to say "good-bye". Perhaps we have made some
points a little clear to a few who have been perplexed—perhaps we have opened a
door to those who were seeking entrance to the temple—who knows? If we have done
even a little for only one person, our time has been well spent.
At some future time we may feel called upon to pass on to you a higher and more
advanced presentation of this great subject—that is a matter which depends much
upon your own desires—if you need us you will find us ready and willing to join
you in the study of the great truths of the Yogi Philosophy. But, before you
take the next step onward, be sure that you understand these elementary lessons
thoroughly. Go over and over them, until your mind has fully grasped the
principles. You will find new features presenting themselves, with each reading.
As your minds unfold, you will find new truths awaiting you even in the same
pages that you have read and re-read several times. This, not because of any
special merit in our work (for this work is crude, very crude, to our idea), but
because of the inherent truth of the philosophy itself, which renders any thing
written upon it to be filled with subject for thought and earnest consideration.
Good-bye dear students. We thank you for your kindness in listening to us during
the term of this Class. We have felt your sympathy and love, as many of you must
have felt ours. We feel sure that as you read these lines—filded with our
earnest thoughts of kinship to you—you will feel our nearness to you in the
Spirit—will be conscious of that warm hand-clasp which we extend to you across
the miles that separate us in the flesh.
Remember these words, from "Light on the Path": "When the disciple is ready to
learn, then he is accepted, acknowledged, recognized. It must be so, for he has
lit his lamp and it cannot be hidden."
Therefore, we say "Peace be with You."
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