Thiruvannamalai is a place situated in Tamil Nadu,
India, say about 186 kms from Chennai. According to Hindu mythology, Lord
Shiva appeared as a column of fire and later changed in the form of Jothi hill
in this place. There appears to be utmost spiritual power in this place;
thereby it attracts many siddhars, otherwise called 'yogis'. Even today it is
believed that many unseen yogis are in their deep yogic meditation in this hill
of Thiruvannamalai. Now we are going to see the life sketch of one of
such Siddhars who lived in Thiruvannamalai from 1870 to 1929 A.D.
Varadarajar married Maragathammal in Kancheepuram
and for a long time, they were not blessed with any child. Varadarajar's
teacher Kamakoti Sastri prayed to Kamakshi of Kancheepuram to bless the couple
with a child, for which the Goddess appeared in his dream and asked Sastri to
give butter to the couple whereby a very spiritual child will be born. On
completion of the formality as per Goddess' instruction, a male child is born
to this couple on 22nd January, 1870 in the famous temples' city of South
India,viz Kancheepuram, and the child was christened Seshadri.
Every day the child is taken to the temple by his
mother. On the way to the temple, there was a shopkeeper selling Krishna idols.
One day the child, Seshadri, at the age of 4, demanded the idol to perform
pooja daily. Seeing the crying of the child the shop keeper himself came
forward offering the doll to the child and insisted that the mother shall accept
it as a gift to the child; whereby the child took it and performed poojas in
his house. Next day again when they are on their way to the temple, the shop
keeper came running and taking Seshadri's hands to his eyes said that the hands
are 'golden hands'. On enquiry, he recited that the day he gave this idol to
the child as a gift, he had such a sale that is of ten times any of his maximum
sales so far in his life. It may look like having happened incidentally, but
later on, the episodes in Seshadri's life at Tiruvannamalai confirmed that this
incident also is of the child's power. Incidentally, the child had soolam in
his left hand and a circle in his right hand; the soolam is considered as
mahasakthi and the circle denotes nava graham. Coincidentally it is said that
Shirdi Sai Baba also had this sakthi in his right foot.
Seshadri had one younger brother, by name
Narasimhan and he was adopted by Varadarajar's own brother, by name Ramaswamy.
At the age of 14 Seshadri lost his father, and thereafter they moved to
Ramaswamy's house. At the age of 17, Seshadri's mother, on her death bed, asked
her son Seshadri to sing a particular song on Shiva and by repeating
'Arunachala' thrice, she breathed her last by placing her head on the lap of
her son Seshadri. This incident has instilled a very strong impression
about Tiruvannamalai, the place of Arunachala, in the minds of the young
After his parents passed away, Seshadri was left
free in the world and then he was steadfast to embrace sanyasa even though his
uncle and aunt were very kind and loveable. He was deeply impressed about the
last words, "Arunachala", of his mother, on her death bed. He
imagined Tiruvannamalai and pictured it in a sheet, the temple tower and
Arunachala hill as the background. The picture was so vivid that it resembled
the real view at Thiruvannamalai. His inner voice (intuition) was so
powerful that he was able to draw without coming to Tiruvannamalai. This
fact was made known by Seshadri himself in his later days.
Seshadri used to do pooja in the room for the
picture of Sri.Rama, Sridevi Kamakshi and his self drawn picture of Lord
Arunachala of Thiruvannamalai from the early morning to mid day bolting the
doors inside even without taking food in time and even going on fast thro’out
the day sometimes, inspite of his relatives advising him to eat something to
maintain his health. He used to remove stones and thorns in the street at the
time of Lord Narayana coming in procession from temple. He used to throw the food given to him to
dogs and crows, for which he used to say that karma should pass off. Therefore
some people used to laugh at Seshadri. After some time, he started going to
graveyard and start penance there; even he argued with intellectuals about this
penance in graveyard and won his point. Even the threatening of his uncle not
to enter into their house if he does penance in graveyard did not deteriorate
his determination, rather he stopped of coming to his uncle’s house; thereby,
left with no option, both his uncle and aunt had to compromise to this issue,
on account of their sentiments to this boy.
A very special note-worthy episode happened
during his father’s annual ceremony. When Seshadri was not found anywhere near
the house for performing his father’s ceremony, he was forcibly taken into the
house. As he refused to perform the ceremony, as he claimed to be a saint, he
was kept in a room locked. After the ceremony is over, when they opened the
door of the room where he was imprisoned, to their dismay and surprise, nowhere
in the absolutely locked room they found him; nor they could find him anywhere
in the whole town also. Then the whole society realised the spiritual power of
At the age of 19, Seshadri met Sri Balaji Swamigal
at Kancheepuram during the swamigal’s pilgrimage from Haridhwar to
Rameshwaram. He gave Seshadri deeksha
to become saint and accepted him as his disciple. Thus, Seshadri abandoning
everything, took the life of saint and left Kancheepuram. He eventually reached
Thiruvannamalai which remained as his abode till his death. Unlike other
saints, our Seshadri Swamigal used to meditate in various temples and slopes of
the hill in Thiruvannamalai.
There was no permanent place for his stay. He used
to set his feet comfortably for the people who wanted to touch his feet with
reverence, but used to rebuke the wicked people if they come near him. He would embrace fondly an young girl and so
also a donkey in the similar fashion. Whenever he used to come across
respectful lady, he used to say, ”My mother” and used to see every woman in the
form of Goddess Shakthi; similar attitude you find with an another yogi by name
Sri.Ramakrishna paramahamsa also. He would be roaming about when all were
asleep and he never slept, but always being in meditative mood. He scattered
the food given to him; he had no thirst, nor hunger, as if neither known or
unknown, because he had completely forgotten his body but still lived in the
Quite often the swamigal used to laugh, sometimes
he laughed for half an hour continuously; used to walk faster, sometime walking
front and back looking at the sky; used to drench in the rain and get exposed
in the sun; used to get into the moving vehicles, sometimes even into rubbish
carrying vehicles also, and jumping from the vehicles instantly; used to enter
into shops and throw out the items and cash in the shop; used to sit anywhere
without considering the slush, dust, mud, or dirt. He used to eat and rub the
hand and fingers in the same dress he was wearing thereby always his dress used
to be very dirty and even somebody presents any new dress, he used to give the
new one to a beggar and wear the beggar’s dress himself. But quite interesting
thing is that no one objected his action, as they knew his power and values;
because the whole town people knew that wherever he used to enter any house, or
shop, that place used to prosper very well thereafter.
Our swamigal was so great that he did a lot of
miracles. Once he swallowed a very dangerous poison and nothing happened. He
used to relieve the pain from the sick people and make them normal. You will
find his spiritual powers in forth coming paras.
The another great saint, Shri.Ramana Maharishi,
also lived in the same place at the same period. Some miscreants were throwing
stones at Pathala Linga cave whereby our swamigal came there and made them to
run away. Then he told an elderly person present there that his son is doing
meditation in the cave and when the people went inside, they found Ramana
Maharishi there doing penance. They brought him to a safer place. In fact our
swamigal is instrumental for the popularity of Ramana Maharashi, both used to
feel themselves as if one life but two bodies. Many incidents can be quoted in
this direction. Our swamigal had ‘Atheetha Jnanam’ and ‘Anantha Jnanam’ thereby
he could tell what happened, happens and will happen anywhere at any time. With
his knowledge of ‘Swapna Drishti’ he could enter into any body’s dream and give
commands. By his ‘Sookshama drishti’ he used to know meticulously whatever happens,
however small matter it may be, anywhere, even beyond the dimension of time.
In the year 1909, in a village viz Polur about 34
kms from Thiruvannamalai on the way to Vellore, one great saint by name Vitoba
Swamigal was living past 25 years and on one day he told his disciples that he
would die within 3 days. On this 3rd day morning, when our swamigal
was walking on a road in Thiruvannamalai, he all of a sudden started shouting,
“Vitoba going”. When the message reached Thiruvannamalai about the demise of
the great Saint Vitoba at Polur in the morning, the people could understand the
meaning of our saint’s shouting in the morning.
Once a disciple of our swamigal was bent upon
taking the swamigal to his home town by train. Due to their strong devotion, swamigal
accompanied them to the station and entrained along with them; but when the
train is to cross the boundary of Thiruvannamalai, our swamigal jumped from the
train. The guard and driver of the train mistook his jumping for suicide and
decided to hand over the saint to police; but alas! when the driver tried to
start the train with all his skills, the train did not move an inch. When the
officials were stranded with dismay, the devotees of the swamigal explained the
officials about the super natural powers of swamigal and both driver and guard
prostrated to the swamigal with due apologies. Thereafter the train started
moving ahead.
Once a person calling himself a saint came to
Thiruvannamalai with an impression that if he does penance in this hill, he can
convert metal into gold with the help of herbs available on the hill. One day
this North Indian saint saw our swamigal and not understanding his powers, he
extended his begging bowl to him. Our swamigal kicked his metal bowl with his
left leg and when it fell down from the hands of the saint, to his surprise, he
saw his bowl having become shining gold bowl with a ‘Mohara coin’ of gold in
this bowl. Having understood the powers of the swamigal, the saint immediately
prostrated to him and once for all left Thiruvannamalai with clear heart.
There was a celebration of marriage in a house, our
swamigal straightly walked into the kitchen and tumbled the vessel full of
sambar down so that all the sambar went into ditch. As the people had total
faith in him, only they were perplexed but did not get angry, and as per their
faith, they found a dead poisonous snake in the vessel. They were delighted to
see their escape from the clutches of death.
Some people wanted to expose the swamigal as a
pretending saint and in this direction they made a plan. They sent a
non-vegetarian food thro’ an innocent lady who used to serve food to our
swamigal regularly and the lady also promptly took it to our swamigal. He
touched the food packet and asked the lady to return the packet to the persons
who gave this to her, and accordingly she executed his instruction sincerely.
When the party opened the packet, they found vegetable bondas instead of their
prepared non-vegetarian food. You can find the similar episode in the life
history of Raghavendra Swamy of Mantralaya.
It is at the close of the year 1928 when some
devotees had the ambition of conducting an abhishekam for the swamigal. The
foreigners have to understand that abhishekam means pouring the pure and useful
liquids, like water, rose water, sandal water, milk, etc, on the idol of a god,
or goddess. At that point of time Seshadri swamigal warned the devotees that he
will get fever and hinted the unwarranted consequence on account of their
action. Still the people did not heed to this taking granted that nothing will
happen to him being a great and powerful saint. The saint who knows the fate
humbly accepted their insisting offer. Thus vessels of cold water, rose water,
tender coconut water, milk were poured on his body not by a few people but the
whole town took this opportunity of pouring liquids on him to show their
reverence to their worshipping living god; thereafter conducted pooja to him by
flowers and garlands, and applied viboothi (sacred ash) all over his body.
In the evening as the swamigal predicted, he got
fever and immediately the doctors were brought to him. However, the swamigal
neither allowed the doctors to attend on him nor took any food from that point
of time. This position continued till 4th of January, 1929 when the
swamigal joined his abode after completing his purpose with humanity. The very
peculiar aspect of his samadhi was that the planetary positions at the time of
his samadhi were similar to the positions at the time of his birth. His body
was laid at rest at a place near Ramana Maharashi ashram; Shri. Ramana
Maharishi was present then and a samadhi was constructed and a Shiva lingam was
placed on this samadhi.